Laser Resurfacing face

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Out with the old, in with the new! laser skin resurfacing precisely removes old and damaged skin cells, while prompting the body to create healthy, new cells.

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About Laser Resurfacing

Worried about visible signs of aging, skin discolorations or an overall dull complexion? Laser skin resurfacing is a great way to refresh and rejuvenate your skin by removing old, damaged layers of skin and improve the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, scarring, and more. As we age, the effects of sun damage and environmental pollutants take their toll on our skin, causing it to wrinkle, develop sun spots and look tired. Laser resurfacing can reverse these effects and restore a healthy look to the skin. During the outpatient treatment, performed under topical anesthesia, a precise area and depth of skin is removed. The body will naturally replace the old, damaged skin that was removed, with a fresh healthy layer. Treatments can range from shallow (which might be appropriate for eliminating fine lines, sun spots and tired looking skin) to deep (which is often used to improve skin tone/texture and eliminate deep wrinkles, even in difficult areas like upper lip and crow’s feet). Call Restore Beauty at 970-278-0900, email us at, or schedule your complimentary consultation.

Benefits of Laser Resurfacing


Laser Resurfacing immediately tightens the surface skin, reducing delicate fine lines around the eyes, mouth and general treatment area.


Laser Resurfacing stimulates new collagen formation, filling in acne and trauma scarring, deeper wrinkles and uneven skin texture from the inside out. Results can last for years.


Sun damage, age and brown spots are brought to the skin's surface and then peel off during the days following treatment. Rosacea and facial blood vessels disappear.


Depending on the original condition of the skin, excellent results can typically be obtained in just one treatment. In order to speed up the healing process and to enhance the skin regeneration process, we combine Laser Resurfacing with Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.


Most skin areas can be treated. Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, though many people also treat the chest and hands. Laser Resurfacing is also an excellent solution for stretch marks and scarring, anywhere on the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser Resurfacing for wrinkles, scars and brown spots

I was really bothered by my crinkly eyelids, brown spots (yes, I was a sun  worshiper!) and overall uneven skin texture. I don’t have time for multiple sessions and was looking for the ‘magic’ treatment that could take care of all of these. This treatment is truly magic. My skin looks so much better. My sun damage is gone, my eyes look younger and refreshed and my skin is so much smoother. Well worth the extra few days of recovery! The Platelet Rich Plasma infusion immediately after the laser treatment was awesome and felt so good -took all the heat away. Thanks!

B. H. - Greeley




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